
WhatLeaks: Is the Best Tool to Test Your Software


Your VPN’s effectiveness

Privacy is a commodity that has a million-dollar price. The truth is that online services today know more about us than we realize. This is why you started using Virtual Private Networks. Do you doubt the effectiveness of the VPN service that you use? We will help you to solve your doubts once and for all. We will give you an overview on WhatLeaks which is a popular site to test the effectiveness of VPNs.

WhatLeaks: What Does It Offer?

Before we get into the meat of the post, it is important to be aware of the privacy risks that could compromise the purpose of using VPN services. This is what you need to know first. Then, you can learn more about WhatLeaks. This session will show you how to avoid privacy leaks.

  • IP Leak

An internet protocol is your virtual address. Your browser is assigned a unique id by your internet service provider. This means that anyone can track your online activities back once they have your IP address.

VPN services mask your IP address when you use them. Even if someone attempts to locate your internet protocol address they will only find a fake one. You won’t believe it! It may not always be possible. Sometimes even the shield protecting you may have a crack. Yes, the VPN can mask your IP address.

  • DNS Whatleaks

DNS stands for Domain Name System. DNS is the Domain Name System. It changes the address to certain numbers only the servers can understand when you type facebook in the address bar. The computers do business in numbers, not meaningful text.

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If you have an active VPN, this adds another layer of protection and redirects traffic. The traffic is no longer traceable to your ISP or to you. However, if there is a DNS leak, your browser will send a request to your ISP servers. This doesn’t provide any additional protection.

What exactly does WhatLeaks do?

All these VPN issues raise the question: What exactly is WhatLeaks? You’ve already heard about it. It checks your anonymity online. You expect privacy online when you use a VPN. Sometimes you expect it to happen and sometimes it doesn’t.

This is why you need a Swiss Army knife like WhatLeaks. It displays all details when you visit the website. These details can be deciphered using your internet connection, such as your IP address. It will not only show you your IP address, but also pinpoint where you are located. Now imagine that many others can do this.

Additional details include whether you’re using Tor browser or proxy, your operating system, browser version and the number of open ports. The difference can be seen by yourself. Take a look at the image below. This is when we didn’t have a VPN enabled.

You will be amazed at the sheer volume of data that can be gathered from an internet connection. What about a VPN? It will reduce the amount of information that is available online.

WhatLeaks will alert you if your connection is experiencing serious issues. Comparing both images will show you how hard a VPN works to hide our online identity. You can see what happens to it on WhatLeaks.

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You may not be able to visit certain websites at times. You may not be able to access certain websites, even if you have verified that there are no problems with the internet. This is because some servers may blacklist your IP to stop spamming or other reasons. This is a good thing because WhatLeaks can detect it.

The website also has a section about Virtual Private Networks. To choose the best service, it is important to have an active connection. We will now provide solutions to the problems that we discussed at the beginning.

How can you get rid of an IP leak?

We don’t have to tell you how important it is to keep your IP secret if you want anonymity online. How can you do this? You must first make sure that the VPN works. You don’t need to be concerned if it works.

Step 1: Ensure that you have activated VPN (the process of activating it varies from one service to the next).

Step 2: Visit a website that allows you to find your IP address (e.g., What is My IP). You will find your IP address and location. You don’t have to be upset if the location is not in your area.

Step 3: If the website does not show geolocation, copy the IP address and go to Google. Copy the IP address and then paste it with IP (like IP 172.16.254. You can see any search results that show you a nearby location. That’s great news. It’s time to get rid of your VPN.

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How to Avoid DNS Leakage?

WebRTC, an advanced function in modern browsers, causes DNS leakage. WebRTC stands for Web Real-Time Communication and does exactly what its name suggests. It is a viable way to communicate with one another via web browsers. You can find broadband deals here.

It offers a great service and we are not skeptical of it. It does, however, send requests to our ISP’s server while it is serving. It’s a big breach of privacy if you try to remain anonymous. How can you disable WebRTC Take a look at this image to see how it works.